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third law of thermodynamics中文是什么意思

用"third law of thermodynamics"造句"third law of thermodynamics"怎么读"third law of thermodynamics" in a sentence"third law of thermodynamics"的同义词


  • 热力学的第三定律
  • 热力学第三定律


  • The third law of thermodynamics
  • The entropy or number of states of system or subsystem are closely related to interaction of particles and energy level distribution , therefore , to study the temperature dependence of the specific heat may supply some important and useful microscopic information which may play an important role in understanding electronic structure , density of state , phonon spectrum etc . the specific heat measurements at low temperatures also play important roles in the finding of the third law of thermodynamics , the quantum theory of solid and bcs theory for superconducting etc . moreover , specific heat measurements help us to understand the different kinds of phase transitions ( such as : structural phase transition , magnetic phase transition , superconducting phase transition etc . ) and the scaling behavior near the critical point
用"third law of thermodynamics"造句  


  • law stating that the entropy of a substance approaches zero as its temperature approaches absolute zero

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